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Eating With Braces



Some foods are harmful to your braces. These foods can break your braces and bend or weaken your arch wires. These problems can delay your treatment and prevent you form getting your braces off in the estimated amount of time.


  • ICE - A thousand times NO! It will totally destroy your braces.
  • PIZZA CRUST - The hard crust bends the wires.
  • HARD PRETZELS - Bend wires, loosen bands, knock off brackets.
  • DORITOS, CHIPS, TACOS, CHEETOS, FRITOS and the like will form a hard ball and break your braces.
  • CARAMEL, TAFFY, LICORICE, GUMMY BEARS, STARBURST, TOOTSIE ROLLS AND BUBBLE GUM - Sticky goo which pulls off wires and feeds the bacteria in your mouth.
  • HARD ROLLS, BAGELS, Chicken BONES - Bends the wires and knocks off brackets.
  • BEEF JERKY, SLIM JIMS - Tough as nails.
  • HARD CANDY, Jolly Ranchers, LOLLIPOPS AND SUCKERS - You might weaken and bite.
  • NUTS - No nuts of any kind.
  • RIBS - Knock off brackets.
  • NAIL BITING, PENS and PENCILS - Favorite exam-time food. They break everything.
  • POPCORN - The little shells get between the gum and band and will hurt you like crazy.
  • RAW CARROTS - Hard as rocks.

Foods such as apples, celery, corn on the cob should be cut into small pieces and placed in your mouth. Do not bite directly into these foods.

Eat and drink fewer sugary foods and drinks. They cause tooth decay and related problems. Foods like cake, ice Cream, cookies and pie. Drinks like soda, Kool-Aid and other sugary drinks. If you have any of these, you must brush your teeth immediately.

Eating these foods will loosen the braces. It's important to regularly check your braces for bent or loose wires and brackets.

In the event of a loose/broken wire or bracket, please report any breakage to our office as soon as possible to arrange an appointment for repair.

Loose bands, broken wires, and detached brackets cause a longer treatment time.


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