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Great Tips


Remember these tips:

Orthodontic treatment is extended over a considerable period of time. It is essential that a close and cooperative relationship exist between the patient, the parents and the orthodontist. In order to accomplish the highest quality result in the shortest time for everyone’s convenience, we ask you to:

  1. Keep all appointments. Missed adjustments delay completion time. If for some reason you are unable to use your appointment, please notify us as soon as this becomes apparent. If, by any chance, you do miss an appointment, call immediately for a new one.

  2. Please be on time for your appointment. If you are late for their appointment, we may not be able to honor your appointment, as this would infringe on those patients scheduled after you. Please call if you know you will be late to inquire as to availability.

  3. If you are asked to wear rubber bands, head gear, or other auxiliary appliance, you must follow our instructions very carefully and cooperate in order to shorten the time that braces will be on your teeth. Remember that tooth movement does not occur in the orthodontic office. Tooth movement occurs in the period of time when you are away from your orthodontist. If you do not wear the rubber bands or head gear as instructed, it is possible that your treatment result will not be as desirable or will take much longer than anticipated.

  4. See your dentist for prophylaxis (cleaning the teeth) and checking for cavities. Bands do not cause decay and will not be placed over an area in which there is decay; however, areas should be checked every six months by your family dentist.

  5. Please avoid hard foods, sticky foods and foods high in sugar content. Do not eat large nuts, corn on the cob, ice, caramels, chewing gum, licorice or taffy. Candies such as Starbursts, Skittles, Now & Laters, Laffy Taffy, Twizzlers, Snickers, Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Rolls, Gummy Bears, etc. should not be eaten. Also, do not bite into hard foods such as apples, carrots, celery, pretzels, bagels, pizza crust or French bread. Do not eat meat off the bone such as drumsticks, ribs, T-bones, pork chops, etc. Instead, cut these items into bite-size pieces first or remove the meat from the bone. These foods can break the cement seal of the bands and distort the delicate orthodontic archwires.

  6. If a band becomes loose, don’t wait for your next regular appointment, but phone the office immediately and arrange to have it recemented. Unnecessary delay may cause gum irritation, slow progress and invite decay. If a wire or part of the appliance becomes loose, do not discard it. Place it in an envelope and bring it to the office with you. If excessive breakage occurs, additional charges will be incurred for each incident.

  7. If the bands or wires bother your lips, gums, cheeks or tongue, place a small piece of soft wax or cotton over the offending bracket, tube or wire. Such irritation will usually disappear after a day or two; but if it doesn’t, please call for an extra appointment. We do not want you to suffer.

  8. Brush your teeth, braces and particularly under your wires after each meal and before going to bed. Poor oral hygiene habits or improper brushing technique can result in decayed teeth and irritation and/or infection of the gums. Toothbrushes and instructions will be supplied at the initiation of treatment and during treatment, as needed.

  9. Bring all of the parts of your appliances, such as elastics, facebow, headgears and removable appliances to the office with you at each appointment regardless of whether you think this appliance will be adjusted or not.

  10. Please help us control cross infection. Call to reschedule the appointment if the patient has an active upper respiratory infection (cold, flu, sore throat, etc.) or open cold sores around the mouth. Keeping the appointments under these conditions exposes the staff and other patients to unnecessary infection.

  11. In order to ensure the comfort of our patients, we ask that parents/guardians wait in the main waiting area. An exception to this policy is if the patient is very young and requires a patient for assistance.

Remember these and you’ll have a beautiful smile in no time!


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